Lab report is one way we used during of after an experiment in a laboratory to subtly record and discuss the experiment. During a lab, we sometimes can observe only the physical part of the experiment, or may be some visible chemical changes.These changes indicate that the experiment we do is successful or not. Most hydrocarbons will burn over a flame- the hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. The number of potential organic compounds has been estimated [2] at 10 60 —an astronomically high number. Lab Report on Hydrocarbons. When writing a combustion chemical equation, balance the oxygen atoms last. 3.They are only composed of carbon and hydrogen no other molecule. Chemical properties:- 1. Laboratory 22: Properties of Alcohols Introduction Alcohols represent and important class of organic molecules. Autor: Sara17 • September 25, 2018 • 1,027 ... physical and chemical properties. View AA Session 6 - Lab Report Sheet.pdf from CHEMISTRY 114 at Union County College. Chemical and physical properties differ for each type of hydrocarbon. Flammability. Prelab Exercises: Before coming to lab you should: 1. Martin Manipol Name: _ October 8, 2020 Date: _ Partner: _ Hydrocarbons - Physical and Chemical Properties - Lab To compare the chemical reactivity of an alkane, an alkene, and an aromatic compound. Lab Reports. Alkenes react with a much more compound … Alkynes have a higher melting point than the alkanes and alkenes. Discussion A. Hydrocarbons can feature simple or relatively complex structures and can be generally classified into four subcategories, namely alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aren’t. Research the various structures of the hydrocarbons used in this 2. This week you will be doing experiments on several different hydrocarbons - compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. You should be able to identify an unknown hydrocarbon. In addition, their chemical properties can be analyzed through combustion, and also addition reactions such as, halogenation, and oxidation [2]. So they float on top of water. In this experiment you will study the physical and chemical properties of alcohols. By mixing hydrocarbon with a polar and a non-polar compound, such as water and ligroin, is possible to analyze the physical properties. Introduction - Hydrocarbons are the compounds containing only the hydrogen and the carbon elements. The largest database [1] of organic compounds lists about 10 million substances, which include compounds originating from living organisms and those synthesized by chemists. In Table \(\PageIndex{1}\) several physical properties of some of the first 10 straight-chain alkanes are listed. Purpose: To investigate the physical properties, solubility, and density of some hydrocarbon. 2.Alkynes have stronger force of attraction than alkanes or alkenes. Here are some of the physical and chemical properties of the hydrocarbons:- Physical properties:- 1. Nearly all alkanes have densities less than 1.0 g/mL and are therefore less dense than water (the density of H 2 O is 1.00 g/mL at 20°C). Read about the physical and chemical properties of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, the experiment and its background. Most organic compounds, including hydrocarbons, are less dense than water (density is less than 1.0 g/mL). Prepare a flow chart outlining the lab exercises 5. Identification Of Hydrocarbons Lab Report Answers Properties of Hydrocarbons. To use physical and chemical properties to identify an unknown. Experiment #3 Hydrocarbons Page 2 Hydrocarbons may be saturated or unsaturated.A saturated hydrocarbon is one that is maxed out in terms of the number of hydrogens that can be present given the number of carbons in the compound; it is impossible to add more hydrogen atoms to the compound so it is saturated with hydrogen. The three known compounds you will be working with are cyclohexane, cyclohexane, and toluene (methyl benzene). Solubility in water, and organic solvents, combustibility, and reactivity with various chemical reagents will be examined. Other hydrocarbons exhibit the same trends. The study of hydrocarbons can provide insight into the chemical properties of other functional groups and their preparation. 4.